Bad Boyz Bistro in Bedford, PA
“Are You Bad Enough?”
Bad Boyz Bistro is the ultimate cool casual dining restaurant located in Bedford, Pennsylvania. Find us at 120 South Juliana Street in Downtown Bedford. Our menu features a selection of uniquely satisfying and delicious meals. Stop by and dive right into some of the best burgers and entrees in central Pennsylvania.
The Original “Bad Boy”
Originally, there was so much press about the name, “Bad Boyz Bistro.” However, quite honestly the press hoopla was much more exciting than the real story. Bad Boyz Bistro was the late night idea of Bryan Speck, owner and founder of Bad Boyz Bistro. After many successful years in the franchise world, he felt his hometown of Bedford needed a place to go to enjoy great food and amazing times with friends and family.
Because of his rambunctious childhood and teenage years, Bryan had always been known as a “Bad Boy.” Hence, the name of his bistro - Bad Boyz. In his typical fashion, Bryan wanted to have some fun with the theme of the restaurant. He included all the bad boyz in movies, politics, and sports. Hey! There's even a menu item named after the original bad boy himself!
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“Go Ahead, Make My Day!”
Are you a Bad Boy? Yeah? Well then take our challenge and prove it, tough guy!
Get your name on the wall, get a t-shirt, and most importantly, earn your bragging rights.
The Terminator
Quadruple Bad Boyz Burger
40 oz Drink
2 lbs of fries in one hour

The Hellraiser
10 hot (Wings from Hell) wings
with no drink allowed
in 20 minutes